Thursday 25 August 2011

Where have I been?????????????

I can't believe I haven't posted in this blog since last year?!?!?!?!  Where have I been?????

So with just 84 days to go until Breaking Dawn release I was prompted to find an outlet for my building excitement - so back to my Twilight  blog which I have aptly renamed "Life and Times of a Twilight Addict".

My last post (way back in December) was about how my internet Twi-friends had got me through the hateful snowy season.  Since then I have attended 2 meet-ups with my Twi-buds and we had an absolute blast, these people are some of the best friends I have ever made and we scarily had more in common than just the unhealthy addiction to the Twilight world.  We continue to talk on a daily basis and that tingle is starting to spark as we all start looking forward to the first installment of Breaking Dawn hitting our cinemas. When we can swoon over the lovely Robert Pattinson portraying the man of all our dreams once again.

ET6 is also approaching and alas I will not be attending but will eagerly be awaiting the stories and photos from my friends that can go.  However number 7 is a real possibility *crosses EVERYTHING*, depending on when it is.  I have to go to at least one convention one day!!