Thursday 25 August 2011

Where have I been?????????????

I can't believe I haven't posted in this blog since last year?!?!?!?!  Where have I been?????

So with just 84 days to go until Breaking Dawn release I was prompted to find an outlet for my building excitement - so back to my Twilight  blog which I have aptly renamed "Life and Times of a Twilight Addict".

My last post (way back in December) was about how my internet Twi-friends had got me through the hateful snowy season.  Since then I have attended 2 meet-ups with my Twi-buds and we had an absolute blast, these people are some of the best friends I have ever made and we scarily had more in common than just the unhealthy addiction to the Twilight world.  We continue to talk on a daily basis and that tingle is starting to spark as we all start looking forward to the first installment of Breaking Dawn hitting our cinemas. When we can swoon over the lovely Robert Pattinson portraying the man of all our dreams once again.

ET6 is also approaching and alas I will not be attending but will eagerly be awaiting the stories and photos from my friends that can go.  However number 7 is a real possibility *crosses EVERYTHING*, depending on when it is.  I have to go to at least one convention one day!!

Thursday 16 December 2010

Twilight friends got me through Snow-vember

Ok so its been a while since my last post but its been a busy time!

First of all since "Snow-vember" it seems that the whole of my life is running behind and playing catch-up, a little like Royal Mail .... least said there the better - all I will say is my double disc edition of Eclipse wasn't in my hands until almost a week after release - despite my September Pre-ordering grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  At least I finally have it, and now have devoted time and watched the movie, deleted/extended scenes and the 6 part "making of".  For tonights enjoyment I think I will go for the Rob/Kristen commentary.

As for the snow (which has now gone - although it is "trying" to come back) I hate it! Its cold, wet, more cold and even wetter!  I hate driving in it, walking in it, standing in it and my tolerance level of "playing" in it is approx. 10 minutes or until a snowball hits me in the face - whichever comes first!  However, I wll admit that I like the idea of pulling the blinds Christmas morning and seeing a beautiful blanket of crisp white snow - but then I want it gone by boxing day!

I would just like to hibernate through snowy periods.  Hot chocolate, blanket, my laptop and my Twi-friends.  Through Twilight I have made some fabulous friends, friends with this obsession in common.  These friends have been there for me when I've needed to rant, they've sent advice when I've had a dilemma, sent me gifts/cards/pictures when I've felt down.  Most of all they make me laugh, I mean really laugh, laugh until my sides hurt.  I'm sure some of you will read this post and therefore I want to say thank you.  Thank you for being my friend, thank you for not thinking I'm nuts and most of all, thank you for bringing Robs Peacock into my life!! (special thanks to Dukkesa31 for creating the masterpiece).

click link to enjoy the #robspeacock experience!:-

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Holidays are coming!

So it's getting close to that time of year and everyone has their own festive triggers.  For some it's shopping followed by hot chocolate and mallows, for others it's trimming up and advent, and for a few it's not until the eve of the day, for me it's none of these.  It's not a particular time of the approaching weeks, it's not trimming up (although I love doing this), it's certainly not the shopping in fact it's absolutely nothing I can control, I just have to wait patiently until it happens.
It has happened this year already!  This weekend totally unexpected as I was watching some mind numbing garbage on the TV the commercial break came on and there it was! That warm fuzzy christmassy feeling flooded over me as the sound of jingling bells was followed by the chanting "holidays are coming, holidays are coming..." Yes! it is the Coca Cola Christmas ad, for years it has been played out and to me it is my festive trigger; once it is being aired I feel it is time to get excited, time to send 'im indoors up to the attic to get the baubles, bells and broken fairy lights down, and definitely time to start getting gifts sorted out and panicking about how much I've left to get with little money (only one more payday between now and the day! eeek!).  So now I'm feeling the atmosphere of Christmas, bring on the carols, nativities, panto's and time to write my letter to Santa for all the Twilight stuff I've got my eye on, because no matter how much Twi-memorabilia I already have, it's never enough, I don't have a replica of Bella's ring, nor do I have the turquiose stone bracelet, I don't have a signed script, Eclipse bedding, Edward fleece blanket, all four books on audio, Robert Pattinson gift wrapped in nothing but a shiny bow *thud*..... see the list is endless, at least I give people plenty of choice!

So embrace the festivities and get excited because Holidays are coming!

 Leave a comment and tell me what your personal Christmas festive triggers are!

Tuesday 2 November 2010

The Scarefest Success

The Zombie & The Tormented Bride (that'd be me and 'im indoors then!)

Well after spending a day and a half creating "the dungeon" - formerly known as "down the side where we keep the bins" at approx. 2pm Halloween afternoon the heavens great british tradition it pee'd it down!  We had "shower proofed" said dungeon but there was no way it could completely withstand that torrential downpour it received, so it all got wet.  The rain continued to fall, twilight came and went and darkness was upon us and no trick or treaters in sight; so there we were, all dressed up and ready to strike terror upon the neighbourhood kids and it seemed that the whole thing was going to be a washout.  To top it off, my kids were now hysterical because they had been patiently waiting to go out trick or treating since around 5.30am, (how do you re-programme kids when the clocks go back to stop them trying to get you up at ridiculous'o'clock?), and were now faced with the prospect of not being able to go at all.

I tried praying, ritualistic chanting, spell casting and then good old fashioned effin and jeffin up at the sky, anyhow one of them must have worked because it stopped raining and the hordes arrived.  As it happened it would seem the new dampness within the dungeon made it all the creepier so the smoke machine was cranked up and the other half and my dad (aka The Zombie and The Vampire Lord) were put on duty to "appear" to unsuspecting trick or treaters as they braved the dungeon on their quest to reach my back door for the grand prize of a mini bag of Haribo or a swizzel stick.  Mind you, you'd think since we've been doing this for a few years now, they should expect The Zombie that appears from behind the strategically hung black curtain, but it would seem not; The Vampire Lord was a new twist this year, to up the excitement.  So with the men occupied and half the village descending on my house off I went with the my little werewolf (who looked likeTeenwolf) and Count Dracula (not quite Jacob and Edward - but the nearest I could get away with!) The Wicked Witch of the West (mother) and the dog, good old fashioned trick or treating. After terrorising the neighbourhood and tiring out my little ones we returned with buckets full of goodies to be greeted by the continuing stream of visitors to our dungeon; by now the groups of teenage girls had arrived or "the screamers"  - my personal favourite.  We were then forced to wait patiently to gain access to my own home yet be entertained by all our victims!  It turned out that whilst I had been out collecting our own swag, back home we actually ran out of treats within 20 minutes of the first visitors, a sign had been put up to say we were out of treats but that people were still welcome to come and look; the lack of treats in no way stemmed the flow of ghosts, witches, vampires, werewolves and teenagers in short skirts teamed with a pair of devil horns, and long after my kids were tucked up in bed (afterall it was a school night) we continued to try and scare the crap out of the big kids that remained.  Shortly after 8.30pm the dungeon was finally closed, the pumpkins extinguished and the last few people turned away, and so the end of another successful Halloween....until next year Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Sweet Dreams!

Thursday 28 October 2010

Halloween....its back on!!

Well todays installment is somewhat past twilight and nearer to bed-time!  Its halloween that is to blame!

For the past few years we've made a big deal out of Halloween, creating a little horror-fest of a grotto, having friends round, playing games, dressing up etc. etc.  but this year has been a toughie so decided to give it a miss especially given its a sunday which is now officially a "school night".  Did you think we'd stand a chance of getting away with that? Nope! Apparently half the village is talking and planning their trick or treat-ing route to incorporate a visit to our house and we are reliably informed that we would cause much dissapointment to all he kids in the about guilt trip!! So darling husband had torch strapped to head and was sent up to the loft to fetch all the trimmings down, so now I have a bedroom full of dusty old mucky boxes...lets hope it doesn't cause me nightmares tonight!

I've spent the evening stitching, ripping and splashing fake blood around to come up with an individual and new costume.  I tried on the costume to strategically apply the blood splatters and thought I needed some additional "slashes" in my skirt, time to enlist darling husbands help so I called him in.  Unfortunately I forgot about his "thing" with blood...he took one look at me and nearly passed out! His legs went like jelly, he turned pale and I had to send him out! Lets hope he gets used to it by sunday, and if he does keep passing out, I can lay him out with the decorations and really up our game this year with a real life corpse!

Tuesday 26 October 2010

The things kids say....

Ah, the innocence of children, they say the greatest things, sometimes just utterly funny, sometimes I think their comments could rival Prime ministers speeches.

My dear 4 year old son (twin 2, youngest by a minute) has led me to the subject of this blog tonight.  It is great wisdom of any parent to know when their child needs "to go" and believe me he needed "to go" a series of dancing around the room, followed by ministry of jiggles and finally ending with holding onto his tackle so nothing can escape! Why do children avoid going to the loo???? Both my husband and I looked at him, I asked if he needed a wee, his answer, with his best angelic look on his face - "no mummy".  Following a minute or so of further grabbing, pulling and squeezing, my husband says to him - "go to the toilet, you must need to go otherwise why are you holding your tinky winky?" (yes, that's what we call it - they're 4!) his answer, was clear, precise and said with a tone that implied that both my husband and I were a little simple and under-educated
"because it's just going to fall off if I don't"
and then he rolled his eyes at us!  Hasten to say, it wasn't in any danger of falling off, and once convinced to go he could of in fact wee'd for England he was that desperate!

I asked the same child upon emerging from school today, what had he done at school and was as usual met with shrugged shoulders, a snarl and answered "nothing".  So me, being clever asked him if he'd learnt any Astro Physics today, he rather loudly answered, "I don't think so mummy, what is Astro Physics, do you know?" - to which all I could do is look embarrassed as a collection of other parents looked at me to seek the answer and mumble that no, I didn't really know what it was.  That'll be the last time I try to outsmart a 4 year old on his turf!
My two sons - school - their turf!
They do sometimes make me proud when they come out with mis-information, like the time we were shopping and I pointed to the Johnny Depp calendar and said "ooh, look who that is", son number one answered loud enough for half the mall to hear "Daddy!" whilst pointing at said calendar, a proud moment at which I smiled and nodded to other shoppers.  It's also a smiley moment that any picture they see of Robert Pattinson, they point and say, "look mummy, its your Edward, he's a vampire isn't he", I love that they are so young and innocent and totally believe Edward Cullen is real and that he is indeed a Vampire and of course that he totally belongs to Mummy!.... ah yes, my Edward!

"My" Edward

Monday 25 October 2010

Get rich quick schemes!

So what's on my mind at the Twilight of today?....Eternal Twilight 5 of course!  I heard a rumour (vicious!) that tickets had sold out *gasp* but having looked up the  Massive Events website it seems to let you add tickets to the "shopping basket" so all is not lost! There is space! Now here lies the problem.....

One part-time income - Mortgage - Cost of living for family of 4 = Not a cat in hells chance of affording ET5+accomodation+travel expenses+beer money+spends to buy a ridiculously expensive piece of Twilight memorabilia. No need for Einstein to come up with that equation!

So now it's time for get rich quick schemes.... think, think, think!  I've contemplated bank robbery but since I got caught shop-lifting in Preston Woolworths when I was 13, by a middle aged woman posing as a shopper who was in fact security, I have been frightened into living life as a law abiding citizen (for those interested I had stolen lipstick and candles ... no I have no idea why either!).  A 2nd income would be another option,  I could get another job but I fear that my sons would possibly start calling random women on the street "mummy?" has they would soon forget me and what I look like!

Time to start thinking extreme.... can I legally sell organs on ebay?  worth a thought as nowadays is there anything you can't buy on ebay?  Go on try it, think of something random and search for it on ebay; I tried "farts" and it brought back 2,283 results, so if you ever run out of your own, no problem you can buy some on ebay...and lots with free P&P, and I bet those that don't offer it free would discount it for multiple purchases, maybe you could get burps too?!?!?  What kind of positive feedback would you give after buying "a fart"...."smelt as described, super quick delivery A****"??  I mock, but must confess, I am an obsessive ebayer, I buy, I sell, I feed-back and yes I'm one of those sad'os who will stay up 'til 3am just so I can bid in the last three seconds in an attempt to get an absolute bargain.
I couldn't resist and just had to search for human organs, I was shocked at first when 59 results were returned and at first hesitated before scrolling down to investigate further, not because I was afraid of what I would find or disgusted, but because what started as a flippant suggestion could turn out to be a possibility and I was half a step closer to raising some ET5 funds. Just maybe....

Female Human Brain
Brain for sale
Condition - Used (Female) hence low starting bid of 0.99p

Check out other items for sale - will combine postage
(also available in our ebay shop  BNWOT male brain  £9.99)

However, I did investigate and fortunately there were no actual body parts for sale, just models/props/reading material.....back to the drawing board I guess!