Thursday 28 October 2010

Halloween....its back on!!

Well todays installment is somewhat past twilight and nearer to bed-time!  Its halloween that is to blame!

For the past few years we've made a big deal out of Halloween, creating a little horror-fest of a grotto, having friends round, playing games, dressing up etc. etc.  but this year has been a toughie so decided to give it a miss especially given its a sunday which is now officially a "school night".  Did you think we'd stand a chance of getting away with that? Nope! Apparently half the village is talking and planning their trick or treat-ing route to incorporate a visit to our house and we are reliably informed that we would cause much dissapointment to all he kids in the about guilt trip!! So darling husband had torch strapped to head and was sent up to the loft to fetch all the trimmings down, so now I have a bedroom full of dusty old mucky boxes...lets hope it doesn't cause me nightmares tonight!

I've spent the evening stitching, ripping and splashing fake blood around to come up with an individual and new costume.  I tried on the costume to strategically apply the blood splatters and thought I needed some additional "slashes" in my skirt, time to enlist darling husbands help so I called him in.  Unfortunately I forgot about his "thing" with blood...he took one look at me and nearly passed out! His legs went like jelly, he turned pale and I had to send him out! Lets hope he gets used to it by sunday, and if he does keep passing out, I can lay him out with the decorations and really up our game this year with a real life corpse!

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