Sunday 24 October 2010

My first EVER blog post....

Well, here I am finally blogging! What to talk about.....

considering I normally  have far too much to say for myself I find that it has taken me so bloody long to set up this blog (I know, I know #technodiv strikes yet again!) that it is now 1am, I'm tired, the dog won't settle down and the'ol man is snoring beside me.

Those of you in the Twilight world I live in and in the UK will know it is of course ET4 weekend and whilst I'm here thinking of something remotely interesting to say, all my dear Twi-friends are partying hard at the not only tired am completely depressed.  However I am looking forward to shared stories and pictures during the week.  Why aren't I there I hear you all cry!... Finances! As usual I am beyond broke, one part time income apparently isn't enough to finance household bills, mortgage and Twilight jollies so something had to give; I personally thought no groceries for a month would cover it but I was 3 to 1 out-voted by hubs and kids who seemed to think being fed and having toilet paper was more important....tonight I find it hard to agree!

Well all that's left to do is attempt to put myself into a Pattinson induced coma until a pair of four year olds trample over my head trying to get into my bed in about ... oooo... 4.5 hours (gah!).  New Moon DVD on, laptop off, lights out and .....sweet dreams!

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