Sunday 24 October 2010


Ok, so the UK is talking about the X Factor and what talent they have this year.  Personally I think all the girls have "got it" and as for New Direction, Aiden & Matt ("The Cardle") well they definately tick all the boxes for me but what is going on with Louis and Wagner (or Var-gner - Louis!)???!!  It was beyond ridiculous last year that Jedward got through to the finals and, of course, the public vote people like that to stay in ... its funny to see the under-dogs go through and any opportunity to make Simon roll his eyes in disbelief, but at least Jedward had something.... whoa don't scream at me ... they couldn't sing, couldn't dance and in my eyes (as a thirtysomething) a pair of little twerbs who needed some lessons in manners and probably lots of time on the naughty step; but lets face it, the kids were always gonna love them and they were destined to have a career, but Wagner on the other hand ... I just can't see where, in a million years he would fit in in the entertainment world, what audience would he appeal to? Men, women ... children (god forbid)! I think not.
Well time to go off and watch the results show and see who will be sent home, lets hope that Wagner bids his final farewell today before ITV/Louis/the public build this poor old mans hopes of fame and fortune up any more.

Having said all that, I do have visions of him in a Safestyle UK or advert *scratches head*, so maybe alls not lost for Wagner afterall....!

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